Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery

Esophagectomy for carcinoma of esophagus

Esophagectomy for cancer mid esophagus

Palliative Distal Gastrectomy for Cancer of Stomach in a 55 yrs, male patient.

Stomach mobilized with greater omentum.

Duodenum transected and stump closed.

Clamp applied on greater curve in preparation for transection of proximal stomach.

Distal Gastrectomy

Specimen removed and Roux en Y Gastrojejunostomy performed.

Multiple jejunal diverticulae in a patient of abdominal tuberculosis with plastered abdomen with ileal perforation leading to enterocutaneous fistula.

Jejunal diverticulae

Universal Precautions for Surgery on HIV positive patients.

Ileostomy closure in a HIV positive patient